Family Lawn Bowling in St. James


The Winnipeg branch was again the guests of the St. James Lawn Bowling Association as we enjoyed a few games on the grass. A lovely buffet was served up with foods and beverages for this family friendly event. Thanks to Chef Don Pattie who gave us a few pointers before the games and then awarded a fine personally hand crafted wood and resin pen to two happy recipients.


We would like to thank the following for their donations. Nossack Fine Meats, Central Smith Ice cream, International Pacific Sales condiments, City Bread Buns, Sysco beverages, Gordon Food Services salads, Unilever mayonaise, Cambells Salsa, Perfect Perogies and Silver Heights Restaurant.
Thankyou to Bump Meats from Juno Food Labs. It’s a plant enhanced meat. The burgers were delicious!

Awards Gala Celebrates Winnipeg’s Best

The Culinary Federation Winnipeg held its annual presidents awards gala to a sold out crowd on April 12 , 2024 at the RBC Convention Centre in Winnipeg.  The evening was a chance for our culinary community to celebrate the accomplishments of the Chefs of Winnipeg. The evening opened with appetizer stations and bubbly to the sounds of classical chamber music.

A sumptuous dinner was prepared by the kitchen under Executive Chef Melissa Makarenko and the brigade at the convention centre.  In the crowd were the best of Winnipeg’s Culinary community who came out to celebrate with Winnipeg Branch President Peter Ecker.

During the evening awards were made to members of the branch who were outstanding over the past year. This years recipient of Associate of the year was presented to Binner Marketing. This years recipient of the Young Chef Member of the year is Chef Sergei Didenko of Winnipeg Hockey For All who has been instrumental in working with the executive and young chefs.  This years recipient of Chef of the year is Chef Scott Hyndman who is our local vice president and who works for Pratt’s Food Service.

A great thank-you to the Royal Bank Convention Centre and our event sponsors for making this event a great success. We also wish to thank the students and teachers from Tec Voc High School , Maples Collegiate and Sturgeon Creek Regional Secondary school for the preparation of the delicious appetizer stations.


Executive Chef Melissa Makarenko presented a fantastic dinner.


Young Chef of the Year Sergei Didenko.

Chef of the Year Scott Hyndman

Associates of the year, Binner Marketing’s Bonnie Mularchuk and Natalie Sample.




Bowling at Uptown Alley

The month of May brought the Chefs and friends to Uptown Alley for a fun night out enjoying some bowling, food and beverages at the entertainment complex. Chefs, old and new, as well as associates and guests let loose for a night of pin crashing fun. We were served up a fine buffet of party eats including Pizzas, Wings, and Natcho’s fully dressed and delicious. Great to see the group out enjoying a little fun on a beautiful evening.

Skills Canada Competition Winners for Manitoba

The Winnipeg Branch of the Canadian Culinary Federation was proud to sponsor and donate to this year's Skills Canada Competition. Each competitor received a Chefs Jacket adorned with Skills Canada & CCF Winnipeg logos for the young chefs to be proud to wear as they compete at the National Skills Competition in Quebec later this year. Congratulations to the competitors and good luck at Nationals!

     The Winnipeg Branch of the Canadian Culinary Federation was proud to sponsor and donate to this year’s Skills Canada Competition. Each competitor received a Chefs Jacket adorned with Skills Canada & CCF Winnipeg logos for the young chefs to be proud to wear as they compete at the National Skills Competition in Quebec later this year.

       Congratulations to the competitors and good luck at Nationals!

Chef’s gear up for spring at Maples Meet and Greet

Chef Richard shares ideas with young chefs.

VP Scott outlines some of the future events and competitions for chefs.

Chef Steven with Young Chef Competitors.

Chef Scott shares some of the details of the Minors recipe competition. Finalists wins an all expense trip to the national convention.

Chef Scott welcomes Chefs Richard and Chef Steven to the executive board.

Some young Chefs enjoying some of the food they helped to prepare.

Culinary Federation Winnipeg held a meet and greet on Wednesday, March 20 at Maples Collegiate Commons. The event was attended by Chef and Young Chef members as well as students from culinary schools like Maples, Tec Voc and Red River College. There was a chance to hear about the upcoming local and national initiatives and a number of competitions and activities that are planned for the next few months. The evening gave us a chance to get on the same page for the national conference to be held in Edmonton at the end of May. We welcomed new board members to our association as well as a number of new young chef members. We are happy to have Chef Steven Strecker (Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology) and Chef Richard Duncan ( Canada Life Centre) and associate Lyndsay Kapkey (Perfect Perogy) join us as new members of our executive board. A big Thank-you to Chef Jeff Bilous and the Students of Maples Collegiate for hosting the event.


Pratt’s hosts hockey night in Winnipeg

This gallery contains 9 photos.

  The Winnipeg Branch had the great pleasure of joining Pratt’s Food Service for an evening of sports appreciation at their  great facility. The chefs had a chance to build a poutine at the bar and share some good times with other chefs.   read on

Holiday Brunch with the Branch

On Sunday December 10, 2023 the Winnipeg Branch of the Canadian Culinary Federation celebrated a long standing association tradition and held our annual holiday brunch. A sumptuous buffet was prepared by Chef Sergei Didenko and his staff at the Scotia Bank Hockey for all Centre. The event included small gifts for kids, cupcake station and lots of fun with the man in red. The event was a great success with proceeds going to the Christmas Cheer Board.

A sumptuous buffet was provided thanks to our generous associates and sponsors. Thank you goes out to Dunrite, Maple Leaf, Sysco, City Bread, Saputo, Vanderpole Eggs, Independent Fish, Tec Voc HighSchool, Maples Collegiate, McCains, To-Le-do, Nestle, Nature’s Farm, IPS, GFS, Pratts, Binner, Perfect Perogies, Nossack, Bee Maid. Fentons, Bothwell, Russell Food Equipment, Unilever, Campbells, Binner, and all the great folks at Scotia Bank Hockey for All Centre.

Egg Farmers Event hosted by Sysco

We followed up our fall 2023 schedule this month when the CCF Winnipeg Branch hosted one of only two competitions being held nationally by The Egg Farmers of Canada. We were joined for the evening by Manitoba egg farmer Sandra Dyck and Chef Dale Mackay.

The Mystery Box Challenge had four teams led by local chefs with students from local schools competing for a thousand dollar prize. Chefs Sergei Didenko, Andrew Laturnus, Anthony Carino, Joseph Lindhorst and Warren Prendree helped get the teams going for this fun competition featuring students from Red River College and Tec Voc High School.

The Egg Farmers of Canada working with the Canadian Culinary Federation co-operatively “hatched” a plan to host the Black Box Competition which had to include the mystery ingredients for the evening : Blue Cheese, White Wine, Red Peppers, Tomato’s and Chicken all combined with the star of the show , Canadian eggs. Sysco Foods hosted the competition and provided an array of alternate ingredients chefs could use to complete their dish. Final teams were created on the day of the event. With Red Seal chefs acting as team leaders, a group of instructors and their students formed the teams.

There was plenty of room for Associate Members, family and guests to attend and watch the event and we enjoyed a taco bar and charcuterie table and non alcoholic beverages thanks to our hosts, Chef Peter Ecker and Sysco.

The event also featured discussion and presentations focusing on the Canadian Egg industry, debunking supply chain concerns, and strengthening trust in the Canadian Egg farmers. A lively question period provided great insights into the egg industry.
The dishes showed the creativity of the teams and the versatility of the mighty egg in Canadian kitchens.

Teams collaborated on menu choices and were given a few minutes to formulate ideas before they were given the challenge to create an original dish in one hour.

The teams jumped into action as a flurry of activity took over the kitchen.

An hour later, four fantastic egg creations were presented to the professional judges who provided feedback and shared their observations about the dish.





The competition was won by the team lead by Chef Sergei Didenko of Hockey for All Centre and his group of Tec Voc students including associate Bonnie Mularchuk who coincidentally attended the school a few years back. Their creation was a middle-eastern inspired dish Israeli Shakshuka with Chimichurri sauce served with a with Blue Cheese and green onion scone.

Many thanks to presenters Sandra and Dale, the Egg Farmers of Canada, and the Canadian Culinary Federation for bringing this fantastic event out to our branch.

Chefs take centre ice at the home of the Jet’s

Winnipeg’s culinary community had a chance to see what’s new at Canada Life Centre, home of the NHL’s Winnipeg Jets on Wednesday, September 6, 2023.

Culinary Federation Winnipeg’s fall schedule started on a high note when we gathered at Canada Life Centre, the home of the NHL’s Winnipeg Jets. Sodexo Live’s Executive Chef, Richard Duncan and his brigade prepared a wonderful assortment of elevated arena food including juicy sausages, delicious sliders, cheeses, salads, snacks and a delight-full dessert bar.


Chef Richard welcomed us to the newly renovated Wealth Management Club, the new VIP area which has just been opened this past week. Members and guests were welcomed by local executive and immediately began to sample some of the fantastic food donated by Sysco, Pratt’s, Toledo, Gordon Food Services, and Winkler Meats.

Following a short presentation and a chance to eat the great food, we were taken on a VIP tour of their world class kitchen and facilities.

Thanks for the great night.


Winnipeg Culinary Federation were pleased to see all the students from Red River Polytech and all the local chefs, sous chefs and cooks who were present for the first outing of the season.


The chefs are grate-full to all our friends at Canada Life Centre and Sudexo Live for their hospitality and a glimpse of what to expect this season at the home of the Winnipeg Jets.

Chefs Bowl and Bar-B-Que

The Lawn Bowling and BBQ was another successful evening! Maybe, it’s going to have to be an annual event. We had about 60 people participate.

Thank-you Don Pattie for arranging the venue, friendly and kind volunteers, for the beautiful prizes for close to the Jack and mostly all your hard work, I know there was a lot of behind the scenes prep and execution on your part.

Thank-you to our generous AssociatesVanda/Maple Leaf for the Delicious Hot Dogs, Scott/Pratts for the Awesome Burgers, Derek/City Bread for the Beautiful Buns, Shayne/GFS for the Amazing Salads, Tara/Campbells for the Tasty Chips and Salsa, Chef Peter/Sysco for the much appreciated Water, Juice and Ice, Sergei/Hockey for All for Plates, Cutlery, Tomato, Onion, Lettuce, Pickles, Coleslaw and possibly a few things I’m forgetting and Binner Marketing Cheese Slices, Ice Cream and serving pieces.

To the people who pulled it off…….

Jan and the lovely lady that helped with Setup and Managed the Sign In Sheet

Colleen and Natalie for setting up and organizing the Food Table and staying on top of it for replenishing and clean up. Colleen for the Coolers Natalie the Ice Cream Scooper, she was popular

Chef Jeff for picking up from Sysco, making an emergency stop at Walmart, helping with setup and wherever he could.

Chef Sergei for providing all the very important “Little Things”, garnish, salad, equipment and tools, BBQing and clean up.

Chef Hans for picking up the Buns, bringing equipment, set up and organizing and supporting the BBQ.

Chef Scott for Setup and helping where needed, hauling, help with the BBQ and cleanup.

If I missed someone, please know that I am grateful for your help too. When we arrived on site you all pitched, just like family, working together to make this event a great success! I appreciate you all, even more so because I wasn’t as mobile as I could have been.

If you have pictures that you would like to share, please send them to Chef Peter and Chef Brian, so that they can be put on our Website.

Until next year…


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