November Kosher Dinner

The Culinary Federation Winnipeg November event was held at the Jewish Learning Center located at 1845 Mathers Avenue, hosted by Chef Dov Korkh. The evening was dedicated to looking at Jewish and Israeli Cuisine and “Kashrut”,(Jewish dietary laws dealing with food). To open the meeting Rabbi Avrohom Alten  gave the participants an understanding of what foods are permissible and what foods are forbidden to eat according to the Jewish traditions. Participants explored the idea of not mixing milk and meat, different levels of kashrut and the development of kashrut over time. A power point presentation is available on request from the branch.

Chef Dov Korth  prepared an Israeli style kosher dinner in order to let the chefs compare the characteristics of Ashkenazi and Sephardic Cuisine, the two leading cuisines of Israel. The menu consisted of the following items.

Challah Bread

Salads Egg salad, Potato salad, Tahini & eggplant salad, Tabule, Israeli salad, Matbuha

Soup Eggplant soup, Charira,

Starters Spinach knishes, Fricassee,

Fish Gefilte fish, Chraime

Sides Kasha, varnishkas, Lokshen kugel, Couscous w/soup, Majadra

Desserts Rugelach chocolate, cinnamon, jam & sesame. Baklawa


Thanks to Chef Dov Korth , Food Services Manager Alla Golinkin and Baker Dora Ben Zhion.